Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Final Main Question
Interviewing Capitol Hill?
What is your educational background (this is for clarification of you as an authority in this field)?
-Dan lips
BA from Princeton
Receiving masters from The Institute of World Politics
2.) Understanding the current use of the NCLB Act, do you believe it is a setback to our educational system and if so, why?
Look at the long trend in federal Ed. Policy, it is a great inopportunity- test scores are generally flat- Too much to ask the Federal Government to fix, Problems caused by NCLB- increased funding and amount of resources required to spent on Ed. Increased the paperwork burden by about 6.6 million hours (670 years), NCLB goal of annual testing for all students to be proficient by 2014, states have an incentive to make test easier to pass, more money spent on administration –The administrative burden of NCLB
2a.) what are your feelings on teachers teaching for a specific standardized test?
Good to teach to test to certain extent, test= good tool to see progress, danger in having too much testing and federally driven testing, some subjects are getting less attention- focus on Reading and Math, groups are having to lobby for history and other class tests under NCLB
3.) Have you had any personal encounters with NCLB, where funding for schooling was an issue?
4.) Have you had any personal encounters with NCLB overall?
Not really and not related to any teachers, visited schools
5.) What are the chances of A-PLUS successfully passing in both houses?
Very unlikely, 1999 similar law passed in the Senate- Demo probably not
6.) What nationally, is the biggest reward to using an alternate such as A- PLUS?
Decisions to improve our schools would be closer to the schools themselves, huge administrative burden would be lifted from the States and local government
7.) Are there any undisclosed draw backs to the A- PLUS alternative?
Weakness- it’s based on the assumption that there is no national solution, things prior have unintended consciencequesss, Possiblity for a number of school systems would keep getting it wrong, but an improvement
8.) Is there a model of the A-PLUS plan in action that can be viewed somewhere?
Nothing in education policy, block grant status- no great parallel can be draw anywhere
9.) Are there any other alternatives in the shadows?
Status quo group- key leaders are backing- lead by Senator Kennedy and the chair from California (George_____) Mainstream Democrats favor
Increase Federal spending on NCLB, --- proponents Obama and such
Rep. looking to modestly (Lamar Alexander) reform NCLB
2.) What are the qualifications to receive federal funds for a school? –a state has to agree to implement basic federal regulations, maintain state level testing, teacher creditials, for funding: distributed through State and local grants- Level 1 funding, must comply with fed reg.
Are funds allocated by school or school system?
-Mostly by school system (SEA) to the (LEA), exception to this
If funds are allocated by school system, how does a system compensate for a school which does NOT meet the qualifications?
-State and local district to reform/ sanctions on that school, after a few years students are allowed to transfer and receive after school tutoring (5 years or more- New school or Chater school)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Class Notes
1. Frustration with having to ask too many questions about the same topic
2. Finding studies that are more up to date
3. Organizing information into a 2-3 page paper (too much information and sources)
Stopped to answer questions
4. Trying to decipher between objective information and biased information
5. Some articles are really hard to understand a far as the language
6. Flow of thought
7. Running out of ideas
8. Lack of motivation
9. Lack of information within the technological avenue being sought after
Questions and possibly answers-
1. "I'm supposed to put a question on my poster?"
a. i.e.; "Is my project done?"
2. "Can I get everyone to write a response to my topic?"
a. Everyone will respond to each poster and this will be tremendously helpful in the pursuit of completion (and purpose) to this project.
3. "How can I make better connections?”
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues!
(About the 1,2,3 step process) ;-)
1- There is a lack of proper funding in education.
2- Has there always been a lack of proper funding for all proper educational systems? Should power of education be properly devolved to the states were it Constitutionally belongs? Should education as a whole be sponsored supremely by the parents? Should there be emphasis on it by parents for children to succeed at it?
3- There has always been a severe lack of funding for all proper educational systems- many times the systems that need the money are not the ones receiving the money (in a accordance with No Child Left Behind). The way in which NCLB has always worked is giving funding to the school systems who manage to rise to the whatever standard has been previously set. The power of education should be devolved back to the states because, quite frankly, the states are the only ones who can provide a proficient solution to "Cookie Cutter" standard the Federal government can give.
Where in the system does proper funding come from? Are the citizen's of the United States ready to take this step and spend to correct this issue?
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Finders Keepers!
(google- to the law- done for day)
We ain't in Kansas No more Dorothy!
Main focus question: How does funding for No Child Left Behind work?
What are the qualifications to receive federal funds for a school?
Are funds allocated by school or school system?
If funds are allocated by school system, how does a system compensate for a school which does NOT meet the qualifications?
Yay! I've now got questions to go with my 670 pages of FUN!!! (All I need now is some tea and biscuits.)
Great Law School Batman! (I found the LAW!)
This is the actual act itself, all 670 pages of it! Ain't it Lovely? (Now this is what I call pleasure reading!)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
What I need ( Is a good defense...)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Why did I chose this topic?
+ Does the United States have any control over food deprivation in India?
Why this topic?
I have an immense love for politics at the federal and world level, I plan to go into politics at a later date. My reason behind choosing this topic was that it poses a possible answer for two questions many Americans have- 1.) Can America actually help to end world hunger and 2.) Are we as powerful as we think we are in the world?
Research Question:
+ (Something pertaining to the education of children in America and the funding thereof.)
Why this topic?
Education is the item I am taking with me to Capitol Hill. I am a firm believer in funding education to decipher our future. Essentially, if we can teach students how to think and not what to think, than they will have the answers to World peace, social security and all the other domestic and world issues which have "impossible" solutions.